Faith Ain’t No Side Hustle

If you're anything like me. On the outside, you make Faith look easy. Like it's natural and effortless - but if you're anything like me, that's only because you learned to mask the fear early and hide it under just the right shade of foundation your mother helped you pick.

If you're anything like me, it looks like everything's always working out for you. But if you're anything like me, you're afraid every single time you take the risk. And more often than not, all those leaps you so graceful take. You're completely terrified that - What if this time. The net won't appear?

⁠If you're anything like me, you had parents with tendencies to come and go physically or consciously through addiction. Which coded your emotional landscape for chaos and uncertainty, and if you look closely, you may have found yourself just like me. Subconsciously recreating the lack of security as an adult, which is hard to admit. And even harder to change.

So what most aren't seeing behind our perfectly curated feeds and persuasive demonstrations of keeping and holding the Faith. Is the days, and weeks, and years we've spent. Recovering. Regenerating. And reminding ourselves that we can do it. We can get through it. Just one foot in front of the other. One breath at a time. Because. There is. No other way.

So for anyone who's ever thought, it's so easy for them. Here's what I want you to know. Faith ain't no side hustle. And don't expect to get days off. Because Faith. Is a full-time job.


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